Washington & Idaho

Project Experience

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Sample Projects

Bridgeport Wastewater Facility Plan
City of Bridgeport, Douglas County, WA
Project Sponsor: City of Bridgeport; Community Development Block Grant
Date: June 2010 to February 2011

This project developed and evaluated 3 alternatives for wastewater treatment for an existing wastewater treatment facility that discharged into the Columbia River. AEC developed a BA to document the effects of the alternatives on Threatened, Endangered, Candidate species and Critical Habitat under the ESA. Ms. Anderson completed vegetation survey.

Pru Field/Ritzville Airport Environmental Overview
Adams County, WA
Project Sponsor: City of Ritzville/Federal Aviation Administration
Date: January 2011

This project involved developing a document that assessed a full range of natural and human resources in relation to potential airport improvements. This document was utilized during the update of the Pru Field Master Plan. It involved evaluation of threatened and endangered species, wetlands, hazardous materials, groundwater, construction, municipal, and industrial stormwater permits and other relevant subjects.

Ten Mile Creek Bridge Replacement Project
Asotin County, WA
Project Sponsor: Asotin County
Date: March 2010 to August 2010

This FHWA funded project entailed realigning a county road, constructing retaining walls and replacing a bridge over ten mile creek. AEC reviewed the previously prepared NEPA documentation, supplemented it with an inadvertent discovery plan, conducted an agency meeting, completed a wetland determination, prepared a SEPA checklist, and completed project permitting for HPA, NPDES, 404 and 401 certification.

Leavenworth Master Plan Projects
Leavenworth, Chelan County, WA
Project Sponsor: City of Leavenworth
Date: June 2011 to present

This is a series of small road improvement projects throughout the City of Leavenworth. These projects were funded through TIB, FHWA and public works trust funds. AEC provided environmental documentation to meet all of the funding agency and environmental requirements.

SR17/Foster Creek Road Improvement
Douglas County, WA
Project Sponsor: City of Bridgeport
Date: May 2008 to December 2008

This is a FHWA funded project to reconstruct and repave portions of the roadway and to add sidewalks and bike lanes through the City of Bridgeport. This involved completing the WSDOT Local Agency ECS form, working with the project team to determine project impacts, consulting with the WSDOT Cultural Resource Specialists for Section 106 coverage under the Programmatic Agreement and documenting a No Effect Determination under the Endangered Species Act.

Goose Creek Flood Mitigation Feasibility Study
Wilbur, Lincoln County, WA
Project Sponsor: Town of Wilbur
Date: 2010

Provided analysis of alternatives for flood mitigation. This included human and natural resource impacts, permitting requirements, cost estimates and other information.

West Branch LeClerc Creek Bridge Replacement
Pend Oreille County, WA
Project Sponsor: Pend Oreille County Public Works
Date: June 2008 to June 2009

This is a FHWA funded bridge replacement project located near high quality wetlands and within a sensitive bull trout stream. The bridge replacement project involved working with engineering staff to minimize wetland impacts and to obtain necessary permits. AEC completed a wetland delineation report, wetland mitigation report and all environmental permitting. AEC used GPS and GIS to map wetland boundaries, data points, mitigation areas, and to calculate impacts.

SR/31 Ione Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Project
Pend Oreille County, WA
Project Sponsor: Town of Ione
Date: July 2007 to September 2007

AEC completed the NEPA, SEPA and permitting for this FHWA funded project that added a shared use lane from Chippewa through the Town of Ione. Prepared WSDOT Local Agency ECS form, Biological Assessment in compliance with ESA and updated documentation from the Ione to Chippewa Water Treatment and Distribution System project to include this project. Reviewed the Area of Potential Effect (APE) and previous cultural resource survey to ensure project effects were consistent with previous studies. Prepared SEPA checklist, amended applications to the HPA, shorelines permits, cultural resource approvals, and prepared a NPDES permit application and NOI.

Ione Water Treatment & Distribution System
Pend Oreille County, WA
Project Sponsor: Town of Ione.
Date: May to August 2007 and July to August 2008 (respectively)

This project designed and sited a water treatment facility and water distribution system to provide clean drinking water for the Town of Ione and the community of Chippewa in Pend Oreille County. AEC completed the NEPA documentation in compliance with Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and EPA’s strict NEPA environmental process and requirements. This included an Environmental Assessment, floodplain, cultural resources, water resources, environmental justice, wetland, ESA and other issues. AEC also developed an inadvertent discovery plan for cultural resources in consultation with the Kalispel Tribe and DAHP. For aesthetic reasons the filter plant location was changed and therefore, a NEPA re-evaluation was completed following the issuance of the FONSI. AEC completed project permitting (Hydraulic Permit Approval, State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), NPDES, and Shoreline Substantial Development permit).

Kalispell Creek Wetland Inventory
Pend Oreille County, WA
Project Sponsor: Pend Oreille County Public Works
Date: 2010

Completed data collection to determine if wetlands were present. Produced maps, completed data forms and compiled wetland inventory report.

Fertile Valley Road Improvements
Pend Oreille County, WA
Project Sponsor: Pend Oreille County Public Works
Date: 2010

Completed wetland delineation, wetland rating forms, gps, mapping and wetland delineation report.

Terrestrial Noxious Weed Survey and Control Recommendations
Spokane, Lincoln, Stevens and Kootenai Counties, Washington & Idaho
Project Sponsor: Avista
Date: May 2011 to ongoing

AEC conducted a terrestrial noxious weed survey for the Spokane River Hydroelectric Project in Washington and Idaho. They identified and mapped noxious weed populations and densities. Ms. Pattinson created a noxious weed data set in Arc GIS 10.0 and mapped weed populations. These were displayed as high, medium and low priority treatment areas. Ms. Anderson prepared a Noxious Weed Inventory and Control Recommendation Report which outlined recommendations for an integrated management approach to noxious weed control for the area.

Rockford Sidewalk Improvement Project
Spokane County, WA
Project Sponsor: Town of Rockford
Date: September 2009 to November 2009

AEC completed the NEPA and SEPA for this FHWA funded project that improved the roadway, sidewalks and drainage through the Town of Rockford. AEC completed the WSDOT Local Agency ECS form, prepared ESA compliance documentation, completed an administrative review for hazardous materials/sites, reviewed available information regarding historic resources present in the project area and consulted with WSDOT Cultural Resource staff regarding Section 106 compliance. Completed SEPA through the optional SEPA process.

Spokane River Transmission Line Management Plan
Spokane and Lincoln Counties, WA
Project Sponsor: Avista
Date: 2011

Completed a Transmission Line Management Plan for the Spokane River Project. This included inventorying plant species including noxious weeds, near transmission lines at Long Lake (including Devil’s Gap), Nine Mile, Post Falls and Monroe Street HEDs. Ms. Anderson reviewed existing Vegetation Management Plans, Engineering Specifications and aerial photography to ensure consistency between and to provide reference to the existing plans and standards. Ms. Anderson consulted with Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife regarding avian species and management of transmission lines to prevent avian injury or deaths and to minimize power outages as a result of avians.

Saltese Flats Wetland Restoration Project
Greenacres, Spokane County, WA
Project Sponsor: Spokane County Utilities
Date: 2011-2012

Completed rare plant survey, SEPA checklist and agency coordination for permitting for this 520 acre wetland restoration project.

Liberty Lake Habitat Management Plan
Liberty Lake, Spokane County, WA
Project Sponsor: Liberty Lake Village Homeowners Association
Date: June 2011- October 2011

Completed a Habitat Management Plan for this Fire Safety Project on a 10 acre greenspace near Liberty Lake.

Riparian Restoration/Mitigation Project
Spokane County, WA
Project Sponsor: Private Landowner
Date: 2010

Worked with landowners to develop a restoration plan and revegetation plan for shoreline impacts.

West 3rd Avenue Extension
Colville, Stevens County, WA
Project Sponsor: City of Colville
Date: June 2011-January 2012

AEC completed NEPA ECS, SEPA and Permitting for a road reconstruction project. This included completing a WSDOT LAG Environmental Classification Summary, Hazardous Material Report, Wetland Inventory Report, SEPA Checklist, NPDES and HPA

Fairfield Road Improvement Project
Benewah County, ID
Project Sponsor: Plummer Gateway Highway District
Date: October 2009 to February 2010

This stimulus project through the Idaho Department of Education improved 8.5 miles of Fairfield Road. AEC completed the NEPA documentation, an Environmental Evaluation/Categorical Exclusion, including Section 106 consultation, hazardous materials administrative review, and ESA documentation to meet federal NEPA requirements.

US-20 Timmerman Rest Area and Waste Water Lagoon Reconstruction Project
Blaine County, ID
Project Sponsor: Idaho Transportation Department
Date: December 2006 to September 2009

AEC completed environmental documentation and support for four phases of this FHWA funded project; the concept, preliminary, and final design and construction. The project reconstructed a rest area, water treatment lagoon and the installed water lines. This involved early participation with the design team to ensure NEPA and permitting were considered in the project scheduling and design. AEC completed a wetland delineation report with significant nexus determinations, a wetland mitigation plan, a biological assessment, hazardous material administrative review, stormwater pollution prevention plan development, and environmental evaluation, NEPA reevaluation, all environmental permitting and environmental commitment tracking.

SH-75 Timber Way to Wood River Bridge
Blaine County, ID
Project Sponsor: Idaho Transportation Department
Date: October 2009 to present

This is the first phase of the SH-75 Timmerman to Ketchum Highway Improvement project. This FHWA funded project will add a lane in each direction, improve shoulders and approaches and improve safety. AEC is working with the engineering staff to complete environmental commitment tracking through Preliminary and Final Design and PS&E. AEC is also responsible for preparing the NEPA reevaluation of the FEIS, completing the wetland delineation for the project, the Programmatic Biological Assessment, Section 4(f) documentation, environmental commitment tracking and completing the project environmental permitting (404, 401, NPDES, Stream Alteration Permit, and Critical Area Ordinance compliance.)

Sandpoint Curve
Sandpoint, Bonner County, ID
Project Sponsor: City of Sandpoint
Date: 2011

Compiled preliminary environmental data for comparison of alternatives. Data included hazardous materials sites, historic resources, parks, and other information.

Priest Lake Wetland Violation/Mitigation
Lamb Creek, Bonner County, Idaho
Project Sponsor: Private law firm
Date: August 2006

Worked with client to determine previous extent of jurisdictional wetlands after disturbance. Completed field visit and documented findings.

US-95 Sand Creek Byway Bald Eagle Monitoring
Sandpoint, Bonner County, Idaho
Project Sponsor: Idaho Transportation Department
Date: May 2011 to ongoing

AEC conducted the Bald Eagle monitoring for the Sand Creek Byway project located in Sandpoint Idaho.

US-95, Garwood to Sagle Environmental Impact Statement Kootenai and Bonner Counties, ID
Project Sponsor: Idaho Transportation Department
Date: October 2005-July 2010

This FHWA funded project involved developing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for significant road improvements through a 31.5 mile corridor of US-95 in Northern Idaho. The Preferred Alternative will replace the insufficient two-lane highway with a four-lane freeway with frontage roads, interchanges utility corridors, and bicycle/pedestrian paths.

The EIS includes technical analyses for a full range of environmental issues, including biological, wetland delineation and mitigation, floodplains, hazardous materials, wildlife connectivity, air quality, farmland, secondary and cumulative effects, land use, environmental justice, noise, social and economic analysis, environmental justice and construction. This project included extensive public involvement, agency coordination, and development of impact analysis for numerous alignment alternatives.

Prairie Avenue Intersection Improvement Environmental Evaluation
Kootenai County, ID
Project Sponsor: Post Falls Highway District
Date: October 2009 to February 2010

This was a stimulus project through the Idaho Department of Education which will improve the intersection of Prairie Avenue and McGuire Road by constructing a roundabout. AEC completed the NEPA documentation, an Environmental Evaluation/Categorical Exclusion, to meet federal NEPA requirements. AEC completed a cultural resource survey to meet Section 106 requirements using Eastern Washington University Department of Interior qualified staff. AEC completed hazardous materials administrative review and prepared a No Effect Letter in compliance with the Endangered Species Act.

US-95 Thorn Creek to Moscow Environmental Impact Statement
Latah County, ID
Project Sponsor: Idaho Transportation Department
Date: April 2011-Ongoing

This ITD project involves widening and realigning US-95 for 7 miles just south of Moscow, Idaho. AEC worked with ITD District 2 to coordinate the NEPA process to meet regulatory requirements. AEC provided oversight and technical writing of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement and associated documentation.

SH-75 Shoshone North Improvement Project
Lincoln County, ID
Project Sponsor: Idaho Transportation Department
Date: May 2010 to present

This project will reconstruct SH-75 for eight miles north of Shoshone, Idaho. It involved reconstructing and widening three bridge structures, adding two lanes plus a turn lane and involved extensive relocation of irrigation features. AEC completed the wetland delineation using the Arid West Methodology and worked extensively with the Corps regarding the jurisdiction of irrigation features.